Monday, March 23, 2015

“We can’t join with other classes.” Was the opinion of many students in class D after Trevor left.
Natalie could not understand their reason(s) why. In less than five minutes the room was more than half empty with all the members scattering to their own businesses. Natalie checked her side and realized that Erin had gone too.
She spotted Steven at the back of the class and followed him.
“Hi.” She greeted.
Steve gave her a glance, dismissing his clipboard with names of volunteering performers. “Hallow Natalie. Would you like to participate in anything in the festivals?”
She nodded and pulled a chair to sit in front of him. She felt comfortable to chat with him. “Yeah I can act.”
“Okay.” He raised his clipboard and begun scribbling. “Natalie…”
“Bradley.” She helped.
He noted.
“Amh… why don’t you guys want to perform with the other senior classes?” she asked.
He eyed her again with his emerald eyes. Slightly, intimidating gaze. “Well, it started a while ago. I think two years or so. There was no biff between us and standard 12.” He said and paused. Oddly.
“And?” she prompted.
“One student of class D, her name was Hannah, she was elected president of Hamerton. But, standard 12, then 10, could not allow to be ruled by their junior class. They already had their person.”
“Trevor?” she asked.
Steve chuckled from the fact that she already knew his name.
“What?” she asked.
“I hope that, Trevor is the first name that you learned when you got here.”
“Kind of.”
“It’s fine. But, anyway, this term of governance has been the toughest one in Hamerton’s history.”
“Governance term? Ooh wow.”
“Yeah. One term lasts for three years. This term had three Presidents.” He begun and Natalie raised her eyebrows to express her surprise. “So, the seniors had their own president, one Felipe Osteen. They did some things, it’s all complicated to tell you at once. Our Hannah was removed and, expelled from Hamerton.”
“Bad.” She grimaced.
He nodded.
“And what about the Felipe guy?”
“He was suffering from something. He died.”
Natalie swallowed and said, “Your governance sounds bloody.”
“You have no idea.” He murmured lowering his head to peruse his clipboard.
“Trevor was like his vice or something?”
He looked at her again. “No. You heard Trevor up there?”
“Yeah.” She replied nodding.
“He’s always been that way. A mediator between our class and his own. When Felipe died, we led a strike. We managed to mobilize the whole school to reject the senior’s government. We denied elections, we were not willing to participate in the Hamerton festivals. During that time, the directors were all away, Archibald was defiant to heed our arguments. He also left. The school was literally abandoned. This cheerful place was like a war zone. People left and went in however they pleased. We had a lot of problems that were not dealt with. We had bad food, many classes missed sufficient studying materials and no one yet was ready to submit our needs to the authorities. Teachers did not teach…it was chaos.”
“I can imagine.” Natalie commented halfway through the story.

“But, one person started passing to our classes and silently collected the odds he found. He sent them to Archibald who was away. I don’t know if the cases grew for him and he came back. Archibald is a very conservative man but, somewhat Trevor got into him.” He paused. “A few people rose and gave him support. About a month later, and Madam Sue, the chief director came back. We still had no government. Archibald, in fear of her, tried to impose elections on us but, we denied choosing directly Trevor and his small crew as our new leaders. Trevor, however despite the threat of competition, refused to be President without our votes. So we had elections and Trevor and his own party had tremendous win. He’s been in power for two years already.”

Trevor became a president with the student's will, did the seniors support him? is he a part of the evil organization? stay tuned to find out...

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