Natalie sat in her class uneasily.
Though Trevor said that he would take care, she was still worried that Mr. Gram
would not agree so easily. So, she stared keenly at the electric bell above the
blackboard and when it rang, she packed her stuff quickly and left class. She wanted
to arrive at the office quickly so that Mr. Gram would not charge her for being
late but, as soon as she made a turn to the stair landing, a hand stopped her.
“Hey.” A familiar voice
She turned around, Steve
stood there with Robert. Robert had long blond hair and, he liked to tease her
constantly. He was the one who had Natalie’s hand.
She smiled broadly. “Hi guys.”
“We were wondering if you
could catch a snack with us. Heard that Steve? Catch a snack? Isn’t it the way Nat’s
people talk?”
“Ha ha ha. Very funny Robert.
But, seriously, thank you. I have to be at Mr. Gram’s office.” Natalie said.
“Mr. Gram?” Steve repeated
with obvious shock in his voice. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything. Anyway,
it’s a long story.” She said trying to free her hand from Robert’s clutch.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Steve said.
“If you didn’t do anything… why on earth are you going there? It’s the seniors
“Sure, yeah… they oh,
actually she tried to make me look bad but, Trevor’s… he’s taking care. I’ll be
At the ‘n’ Ingrid walked
between them breaking the connection between Robert and Natalie. “Mr. Gram?
Trevor’s taking care? What is going on here?”
Natalie sighed. “I was just
saying to these boys that, there’s little trouble and that I have to be in Mr.
Gram’s office but, they shouldn’t worry much because Trevor’s taking care.”
The boys looked at each
“Oh my God.” Ingrid whispered.
Natalie furrowed her
eyebrows. “Guys?”
“Natalie, Trevor can’t take
care of anything. If any leader is taken to the Discipline’s office, his or her
punishment cannot been revoked.” Robert informed.
Natalie frowned. What?
“If Trevor’s helping you that
means that he’s going to face everything in your place.” Ingrid added.
“I, I don’t want him to
suffer my misfortune.” Natalie confessed. Her eyes begun tingling with tears.
“We have to save Trevor guys.”
Steven spoke at last.
They hurriedly ran down the
stairs from level 17 which they were to the ground floor, level one. They paused
outside the Discipline’s secretary’s desk and Steven took charge to talk to the
“Excuse me Mrs. Perks, can we
see Mr. Gram?” he greeted.
“What’s going on today? You people have been
jamming my desk since morning.” She said picking up a receiver to notify her
boss about the guests.
“Is Trevor inside?” Steve
“Yes.” She replied and talked
to Mr. Gram. After a short conversation with him, she replaced the receiver and
turned to them.
“And Nicky?” Natalie asked
before Mrs. Perkins had the chance to say anything.
“No. She left with the St.
Ann Marie student earlier today. Anyway, you can go in.”
Steve thanked for all and
they walked past her desk to Mr. Gram’s door and opened it.
Mr. Gram sat behind his desk
and Trevor stood some feet from it. Mr. Gram’s face was anxious while Trevor’s
was troubled. However, hey both seemed startled when the four walked in.
“Yes?” Mr. Gram asked coldly.
“Sir. Please forgive Trevor.”
Natalie spoke first. “He’s not at fault for anything.”
“Natalie?” Trevor snapped.
“Sir, I deliberately throw in
my Yellow card.” Steven said taking out a card from his coat pocket.
Natalie was confused.
“Steven. Why are you doing
this? I’m giving up my Yellow card for Natalie. Sir, I already gave you my
Yellow card.” Trevor said panicking.
“Everybody. Hush.” Mr. Gram
growled. “Steve, your card is no longer valid. You’re not an MP. Natalie replaced
“That’s why I’m offering my
own sir. Please, don’t listen to them.” Trevor pleaded.
Steve sighed deeply. He was
agonized by the fact that he could not save the only person among the seniors
that he believed in.
Because Natalie was an MP and
she was guilty of a wrong, she had to face punishment and disposition. Her sentence
could not be omitted but, if anyone wanted to redeem her, he or she had to be a
leader and he or she had to give up his or her green card and serve the
sentence for her. Being demoted was one part of the sentence, the next part of
it was a mystery to all of them.
Ingrid, the discipline leader
did Trevor loose his Presidency? what was the next part of the sentence? stay tuned to find out.
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