Sunday, March 15, 2015

Mr. Brooks came out of the office. “You’re registered” he announced.
Caitlin rose followed by her brother who sat next her on the waiting bench.
“So you’re leaving?” Ralph asked
“No we’re leaving together to get the things that you need.” Dad replied.
“Where?” they asked altogether.
“All is provided at the school supermarket.” he said “We’re going to get all your things there.”
“Ooh” Caitlin nodded in understanding.
“We’ll also get your uniforms there… just check yours sizes... they are ready made.”
They nodded
A thin man in a white shirt under a black waistcoat and dark trousers walked out of the office. “I shall escort you to the school supermarket.” He said closing the principal’s office door behind him.
“Sure.” Mr. Brooks agreed for all and they followed him out.

The school had just opened for the new term and students flocked all over the campus. They wore white shirts under red waistcoats and black trousers with the girls having black skirts and red short sleeved blouses. Their uniforms had an emblem bearing 5 torches and below it written; HAMERTON SCHOOLS

The school supermarket had everything that anyone needed while in school. These materials were sold at least 10 percent cheaper than the off campus market prices. Therefore Caitlin and Ralph got all they required.
Mr. Brooks had paid for their school fees for their remaining education which was around four years for Caitlin and seven for Ralph.
They hugged their father who was going back to North America (Canada). This was the family’s origin. He said that they were in good hands and that he would come to visit them within three months. The question was; WAS HE SURE?


 we'll see...

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