Thursday, April 2, 2015

 For new readers;Natalie joins Hamerton, a large school that has a lot of things going on, most of it being illegal and terrorizing. She is agonized by the news of her friend's tragic death and she has to face up with the Hamerton's bloody governance in order to secure the President's badge that has the power to decode a bomb that could cause a large massacre. she teams up with Trevor, the ex and most renowned president of Hamerton and Class D students against Nicky and her fellow evil seniors.

Where it ended last time: Ingrid is back and she explains to Natalie what brought Trevor into coma. Erin, Steve and Natalie plan to treat Mercury poisoning that the seniors are causing. Nicky, who has been demoted threatens Natalie that she will have the last laugh. 


 Natalie inspected her side when she sat in class. Ingrid was not anywhere in sight. Natalie was sure that Ingrid spent the whole morning sessions with Trevor and that made her a bit jealous.
When the recess bell rang she packed her books quickly. Before seeing Trevor although, she had a place to be. She hurriedly left her class to level 16 again but, not to class S, she wanted to surf in the net for extra materials about Mercury poisoning (hydrargyia).
The computer hall was almost empty as she expected. The chief building’s computer lab in level 16 was not a fan place to be for the building users at that time. She picked a table and waved at Mr. Hague, the lab carer seated at the far end of the room. After sitting, Natalie rubbed her hands together , “Now Natalie, you have a short time.” She said to herself.
She spread her hands on the keyboard and noted whatever she read from webpages displayed, on a notebook that she carried along. After concluding, she scanned her book. Satisfied, she turned back to the computer. There was an icon that caught her attention;


She furrowed her eyebrows. Plus Caitlin… my Caitlin? She wondered.
She clicked the button quickly and the page started loading. She waited anxiously.
Caitlin’s Google plus homepage displayed. Natalie broke into a smile, she could almost feel Caitlin’s presence again. Even though viewing her friend’s Google plus homepage would not change anything, something special was forming inside Natalie’s heart.
An instinct led her to open Caitlin’s Gmails. There were many unread emails from Google plus notifications and Facebook. She aimed at finding her own conversation with Caitlin. Somehow, she felt that it was important.
She switched to sent mail and opened one that Caitlin wrote to her.

Hallo Natalie. I miss you so much. This new school is big and, guess what? I met my old friend here! Yeah, I think that I can try out another relationship. :D
I wish that you were here. I’ve been feeling lonely slightly.
Anyway, I look forward to your reply.
Love Caitlin

Natalie sighed releasing a tear. She had read the email previously, about a year past.
She pressed a button of Draft emails. She wanted to check out everything that belonged to Caitlin and which also linked to Hamerton.
There was a draft email that Caitlin was writing to Natalie.
Natalie opened it.

Natalie. Don’t come here. This school is bad. They are planning to kill people and they are forcing my friend into it. Please, call my dad tell him that I want to leave this

It ended there.
I never received this message. Natalie thought. She reread the email realizing that Caitlin learned about the seniors’ schemes.
She checked the time that the draft was composed and that of Caitlin’s last sent mail. They had a difference of less than 10 minutes. She paused, wondering just how could Caitlin change her opinion about the school in such a short time. Likely, Caitlin discovered anything that changed her mind while she still had access to the computer.
My friend into it? Natalie thought, reading the draft mail again. Erin? She wondered.
She checked her wrist watch and immediately remembered where she had to be next. She logged out of Caitlin’s account and rose, leaving.
She arrived the hospital wing at the ground floor and went ahead to Trevor’s ward. His bed was empty and a nurse stood at the foot stretching a cover over it.
“Excuse me?” Natalie greeted.
The nurse turned to her. “Natalie.” She reckoned. “Oh, he isn’t here. He left earlier with some other boys of his class. I think that they took him to the dormitory to refresh.”
Natalie sighed. “Did he ask for me?”
“I only met him leaving Natalie. I’m sorry.”
Natalie nodded sadly. After being with him for the past few days, Trevor was almost slipping away.

She turned around, leaving.

please stay in touch..

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